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Customer Testimonials

  • “Wrightwood Medical is a cost-effective alternative that provides high-end, quality products and superior customer service at an affordable price.”

    John Barakat, CFO
    Cardiac Surgery Associates, S.C.
    Downers Grove, Illinois

  • “Wrightwood Medical was the right choice. Great service and commitment to complete satisfaction. Provided training and assistance to my practice to produce multiple streams of revenue.”

    Michael A. Ahearn, MD, FAAFP
    Kewanee, Illinois

  • “Wrightwood Medical has been a valuable resource for our company. We have been able to lease high-quality refurbished equipment at reasonable rates. This equipment has always arrived in perfect condition and we are extremely pleased with care and attention to detail that the folks at Wrightwood provide.”

    Ann Marie Kupinski, PhD, RVT

  • “I have been very happy with Wrightwood’s delivery and service. We have saved both time and money by using them.”

    John Golan, MD
    Top Doctors 2013-Chicago Magazine
    Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. (Recommended)
    North Shore Vascular Associates Ltd.

  • “Wrightwood Medical provides great products at great prices. I am very satisfied with the service and attention given and will continue to use them in the future.”

    Javier Flores, MD
    Grand Vein Specialists